Inspiring Creativity, Literary Expression, Building Connections

50th issue extra feature !!

As you may have guessed this month is our 50th issue, and if you have been following us from the start we want to thank you, you will find a few words from myself Nichola Rodgers and Jenna Fox, and our team Michaela Hall artist and critic, and Peter Devonald Poet and writer.

 Over the few years that Haus-a-rest has been publishing, Jenna and I  have witnessed an influx of art zines, many of which arose through covid, but these haven't endured as long as we have. We put that down to the collaborations between the different creatives we publish, and the many avenues of the creative arts we cover.

Our journey began from a place of isolation, both working and creating art from home. I had been thinking of something like a zine but didn’t think I could do it alone.

I  happened to see Jenna’s first launch of Haus A Rest.  With the first issue focused on how artists were adapting their homes into studios. It was more popular than Jenna had thought it would be and many artists were feeling the same disconnect and needing some way of socialising and connecting with other artists. I contacted Jenna to congratulate her on the zine and say I had thought about it too, and if she needed help let me know.

 These responses to her open call were more than expected and that is when I got the call  and joined as co-editor, and we've continued to run monthly open calls ever since. We've explored a range of topics, from mental health to the environment, and International Women’s month, to Pride. No subject is taboo.

Where we differ, I think is we also include other creative avenues, such as writing, poetry, and critical pieces, and music creatives, among others. Each issue has been a testament to the incredible creativity and resilience of the artistic community.

We deeply value our interaction with our artists, not just within the pages of our zine but also across our social media platforms, in person, and through reviews. Our engagement goes beyond just publication.

We actively connect with them on social media, sharing their work and stories to a broader audience, fostering a sense of community and support. We attend and organise in-person events where possible, creating opportunities for direct interaction and collaboration.

We have two fabulous additions to our team which started as residencies but we loved them so much they have become a fixture and we could not make this zine so exciting without them, they are Michaela Hall our critical art writer, and our acclaimed poet Peter Devonald, who contribute engaging and accessible pieces each month. Their work enriches our publication, providing readers with diverse and thought-provoking content.

Michaela Hall

Fifty issues and counting

Nearly four years ago now, I saw a callout for a resident writer of an online zine called HAUS-A-REST, after reading more about the zine and its impressive editors, I decided I had to apply, with no expectation that anything would necessarily come of it. Now four years on, from the moment Jenna and Nichola welcomed me to the team, I can’t imagine not being a part of this fantastic platform that gives talented artists, writers and poets (like my fellow resident poet Peter) a voice to creatively explore issues from the abstract to the socio-political.

The residency was only initially meant to be for 3-6 months, but I’m so glad it became a long-term role as being a part of the HAUS-A-REST community has opened my eyes to so many fresh perspectives and re-ignited my creativity in a new way. I feel very inspired and look forward to publishing day each month to see what I can learn about this time from fellow creatives.

While all issues have offered something different, some personal highlights have been:

Issue 39 – what they don’t teach you at art school/celebrating pride

Issue 26 – Dada & Surrealism

Issue 21 – The colour issue

I think it’s just so important that people can be creative in their ways, in a safe community where perspectives are respected and there’s no ‘clique’ or art world bias towards any single person. HAUS-A-REST to me fully encapsulates this and welcomes all to join. I’m looking forward to the next 50 issues!

Peter Devonald

Fifty Issues Of Awesomeness

Fifty issues of Haus-a-rest is such a remarkable achievement in these days of the ephemeral. It's been a wonderful journey - so much exceptional art and writing, always beautifully selected and curated by Jenna Fox and Nichola Rodgers. I applaud everything that has been achieved here, an astonishing art space, a haven for the extraordinary and the blessed, a sanctuary that shines a bright light on undiscovered brilliance. So many hidden gems, so many heroes, and so much that is unique and inspiring. Haus-a-rest makes the world a bit brighter, better, and more complex.
I have greatly enjoyed being a small part of this incredible success story. I joined Haus-a-rest just halfway through this journey, the right road lost, in Issue 26. I was so beguiled and impressed by the astonishing art and writing in each issue, so contemporary, so relevant, and now. I am forever blown away by the talent that is presented - so many new ways of seeing the world, so much brilliance, so many impressive links, and juxtapositions, so much avant-garde, the cutting-edge, art that changes the way we see the world, uncharted voices creating amazing creations. The features of extraordinary artists give in-depth interviews that explore their practice, vision, and inspiration.
Jenna Fox and Nichola Rodgers do the most amazing job, of creating this wonderful space, discovering so much exceptional work, and curating it into a coherent online exhibition. They also consistently produce marvelous work themselves over such a long period. Also praise to Michaela Hall, the fantastic writer in residence, who always produces such impressive works that provide unique perspectives and great insights into so many areas of the art world and beyond.

Fifty issues is a remarkable achievement and I am so proud of everything that Jenna, Nichola, and all of you have achieved here. Onwards to fifty more remarkable issues. I look forward to having my mind blown, changed, and inspired by everything that happens next. I feel very honoured to be a small part of this wonderful journey.


We aim to support artists at every stage of their careers. Our open calls are a platform for artists to showcase their talent and share their unique perspectives.

Since our inception in 2020, we have achieved several milestones, we have…


•           Held 50 open calls, each attracting a wide array of submissions

•           Received over 4,200 art submissions, showcasing a vast range of styles and mediums

•           Collected 520 written submissions, including essays, poems, and thought pieces

•           Organized two physical exhibitions, bringing the digital into the tangible

•           Featured 50 artists in focus, highlighting their journeys and works in-depth

•           Launched Haus-a-rest across Facebook, Twitter, our website, and Instagram, expanding our reach and engagement

•           Gained over 10,600 followers on social media, creating a vibrant online community



Looking ahead, we plan to deepen our interactions with artists through several exciting initiatives:

1.         Mentorship Program: We are launching a mentorship program consisting of six sessions for both early-stage and established artists. This program will provide personalized guidance, helping artists navigate their careers, develop their skills, and achieve their creative goals. Mentors will offer invaluable insights and support, tailored to each artist's unique needs.

2.         Live Exhibitions: We aim to host live exhibitions, creating immersive experiences where artists and art lovers can connect and engage with the works on display. These exhibitions will serve as a culmination of our efforts to bridge the gap between digital and physical art spaces, offering a platform for artists to showcase their work in a tangible, impactful way.

3.         In-Person Reviews: In addition to our digital reviews, we plan to offer in-person review sessions. These sessions will provide artists with direct, face-to-face feedback, fostering a deeper understanding of their work and offering constructive critiques to help them grow and improve.

4.         Physical Events: We plan to run a series of physical events, providing spaces for artists to meet, collaborate, and share their work in person. These events will include workshops, panel discussions, and networking opportunities, fostering a vibrant and supportive art community.

It's been wonderful to see the amazing work of our regular contributors, read your inspiring stories, and be part of an incredible art community that continuously challenges and inspires us. Your participation and support have been invaluable, and we look forward to continuing this journey together and exploring new horizons in the world of art. 

 Thank you for being part of our journey.

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