Inspiring Creativity, Literary Expression, Building Connections
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Issue 41 - resident poet - Peter Devonald

Multi-award-winning screenplays, TV series, and a novel.


Harsh Truths For Poets

One element of poetry that continues to frustrate is the level of poems being “rejected” from magazines, zines, journals, and comps. A very famous poet recently said she has a 20% success rate with submissions. Another highly successful poet said that he has never gotten in with any of his submissions that involve @submittable: “3 years and not a single poetry acceptance on that platform so far!”.

So do keep all this in mind if you are submitting work. It can be so frustrating and galling, but perspective reveals so much. Those who seem to be doing incredibly well are probably just entering far more places, and perhaps not the very best quality places. The Poetry Society competition has 18,000 entries (and I bet even more this year) – which leaves a heck of a lot of unhappy poets. Keep writing and the faith.

Fantastic link with upcoming poetry opportunities:
So grateful to Angela Carr for all her work and efforts in compiling this essential list for poets.


Latest News

Very delighted to be in these wonderful places.

Greatly honoured to be nominated for The Forward Prize For Best Single Poem.                    

Nominated twice for Best Of The Net award including Lexicon Limits nominated by Metachrosis: 'Best of Net Anthology Prize’ Sundress Press

The Wonder - published in The Shallot Volume 2 Issue 2 – September

Autumn Veil - The Purposeful Mayo Journal Issue 3.2 - August

The Existential Duck published by The Wombwell Rainbow

Tomorrow is a Sparrowhawk in Flight and Tiny Butterfly Effect - Dirigible Balloon:

Embrace Vibrant Summer was published in the Morecambe Poetry Festival Anthology book

Coming soon:
Humanity Is An Ocean, Waiting to be published on September 14th in the next issue of Borderless Journal:

Secret Truths, Whispering published by Voidspace: out any day now

Heart Of Illness, Flowers and The Past Just Is, Trust Me published in Mental Health poetry book, compiled by Robin Barratt

A Day In the Life of Earth Dear Politicians: Ecopoetry Anthology – ​Stairwell Books

Sonder Becomes You
& Sonder / Sorrow / Splendour - Sonder Series

Party At the End of the World
is to be published in the upcoming edition of LIGHTS OUT by The Cosmic Daffodil Journal - live on November 1st, 2023.


Age Is Just A Number and Eighty And Excellent

Two poems exploring why ageism is so rife.

What are we afraid of?

The truth is out there, but will we listen?

What do we lose because of prejudice?

What will change if we can only learn?


Age Becomes Us:

facing the aging process, uncomfortable truths.

And finally…

I don’t talk about this much on social media, but I have been dealing with chronic illness all my life. Below is my story.

Sarcoidosis: Snowflakes, Surviving and Self-Advocacy By Peter Devonald

Article published by SarcoidosisUK now – and later in the year in the Kaleidoscope​ book in USA.