Inspiring Creativity, Literary Expression, Building Connections
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Issue 36 - Poet - Peter Devonald

 The Space Between

By Resident Poet Peter Devonald


On The Brink explores the moments before events and our lack of ability to change them. In these moments we are frozen in time, we must trust our instincts or just watch, passive audiences to our own despair. Time slows to crawling. Let chance prevail.

 Slither Of Space Between is a study of the distances (or lack of) between us – how even huge disparities can be bridged. Binary juxtapositions make waves and confusion. I really enjoy these 3 column works – to explore and create meaning: to leave the reader to find their own journey through the work.

 Finally, a visual reminder of Heterotopia


Embrace everything that is at your disposal with poetry. Use metaphor, simile, and imagery. Elevate your writing with heightened language, play with language, and use smells and context. Be specific. Be broad. You have so much to explore, so enjoy it.

 It doesn't have to rhyme - you have that freedom.  Read your poems out loud --- it will be so much clearer what flows and what needs to be edited.


Do be aware that most writing competitions ask for 40 lines or less - and most zines/ magazines/ opportunities prefer smaller works. Of course, longer works are fantastic for your book/ pamphlet - and don't shoehorn longer works into the short form for the sake of it. But I think it is important to write with a vague eye to the market --- and it will improve your writing.



Let Sleeping Dogs Die features on Wildfire Words: One Year On

 ​In Darkness, light, Moon to Your Sun published in Stockport Love Stories

 Fame Is A Fickle Fish & Charity Begins At Bargain Boutique Thrift - Published in Another’s Treasure: first run sold out, second run coming soon

 Spring features on the Mary Evans Picture Library Poems and Pictures site

 Welcome, Greetings, Salutations, Smile included in the Shipley Underground Market Gallery

 The Perfect Poem featured on Wildfire Words: On the Same Page