Inspiring Creativity, Literary Expression, Building Connections

issue 1 -Exhibition - Studio

Home - Studio



Artist in Residence - Home / Studio / Home

Welcome to this first edition as we stumble through the miasma that is lock down. How are we coping, creating and surviving, are we zoomed out yet?

Are our days a continuum of boredom and blurring of lines, as our homes are everything and nothing.  Thankfully there are creative folk with frisson and verve who continue to make, think and comment and we salute you. This little Zine is a small celebration, a dance and a glass of warm cava raised high to them,

​In this issue we look at the home as studio and how the lines have blurred. Each artists was asked to send images of the spaces where they make and three ideas on how they nudge themselves out of a creative void. The voyeurism into other's studios has been wonderful,

With comment from Paul Johnson and Douglas Park and Podcasts of artists interviewed by Divya Sharman. A big smile form me and a huge thank you to everyone involved in this issue.

Thank you, Jenna

We are here where the story of our lives takes place.”
Marguerite Duras
”House and Home” 1987

While researching home / art / studios I found this site and became lost in studio envy but it's worth a look just to drool over the neatly lined up materials and colour co-ordinated design.

Now compare to my space. Yep, it's a tray. Mobile and flexible. I'm living the dream. 

My three creative tips: 1. Get started but tell yourself it's an experiment, and then enjoy the process. 2. Start collecting words. I just found "ameliorate" which is rather pertinent. 3. Dig into the etymology of the words as it can act as a spring board for your creative thinking.  ENJOY, enjoy. 

Want to dig deeper, then Kirsty Bell's The Artist House , from workplace to artwork is worth a read.

Need ideas for music to listen to while creating? Try this selection for size:

Below Fuselage’s Backstage

From some drafted notes towards a preparatory sketch impression & plan of a maquette for a trial-run rehearsal & practice testbench …

Yet more under-the-counter cottage-industry.  Only, unlike the rest. Being indoor geophysics storyplay and gametelling.

Production-laboratory and assembly-line give birth to homegrown landmasses.  Portable scenery hatched-out and built.  Living
settlements blossom and breed.  After which, next follows self-enacted gardening and decoration.

Ornamental gift wrapping, chinaware, wallpaper, carpet and embroidery soften and elasticate so much, until flexible enough that they become
patterned and moving-image liquid.  Precious metal and lapidary jewels melt down, overflowing, hyperactive.  Illuminated manuscript astral
and solar system spontaneously combusts.  Observatory telescopes cinematically project magick lantern camera obscura peepshow
constellation.  Archæological excavation dig deciphers encoded cryptic-clue secret-message Delphic-oracle.  Arriving at hidden
buried-treasure and forensic evidence finds.

Bioalchemical overreaction property-development opportunism. Meteorology, weather and climate real-estate ventures.

Personal-usage and privatized cosmos.  Top-secret reality. Every single spare-part component cell atom and wider almighty grand
scheme mutually predict, influence, control, change and replace themselves, each other and all else.

©, Copyright, Douglas Park
​Vintage wood engraving vignette by Thomas Bewick

Listen to Divya Sharman has interviwed students of art from across genres and continents

 Various artist ... thoughts on creativity
I remember reading an interview with the film maker/artist/writer Miranda July where she said that it was important to work with what you have, what comes easily to hand. I guess there's nothing wrong with big dreams but little achievable ones can, when added up maybe lead to something special. Who knows, I just want to break even be it spiritually, emotionally, physically, pharmaceutically etc...just want to be freed from (the burden of) dreams...

Music is important - I find different bodies of work require different soundtracks. But not shit, no one should have a practice that requires listening to the Eagles or later period Rod Stewart in order to thrive. Seriously...

Fuck it, I'm not in a position to give advice, suggest strategies etc. But keep a notebook(s) and put everything in it/them - jokes, ideas, maps, recipes, reviews, drawings - everything, and then see what emerges. // Instagram : 404projectspace //